Expository Essay Reflection (Edited)

Celibel Capellan

Prof. Ewan



So Much Time

When working on the expository  and concept paper it took a lot of time and reviewing. It was a paper that took a lot of my time during the weekend. It took a lot of time to go over and check whether I had everything. I looked over misspelled words, the requirements sheet, my peer review partner suggestions on blackboard, and the clarity of my paper. These were things that kept roaming my mind when trying to edit the expository essay.

At first I did not know what I was supposed to be doing for this paper because all of the information I was receiving was getting me overwhelmed until I asked my peers about it. When they told me that the concept paper was a combination of the proposal, expository, and annotated bibliography I felt more at ease considering that I would only have to go over and combine all of these paper in one document. Once I was able to put all of my papers in the proper order in one document through page breaks I began to edit and revise it.

A lot of  my time went reviewing and editing because there were things that I had to go over and change. When reviewing and editing my expository paper I noticed that I would tend to write from A to Z and Produce-Then-Assemble. It was a mix between the two because my paragraphs had a sense of order but what was written on each of them was all over the place. For a whole day I spent trying to correct and organize what I was trying to say in the body paragraphs because in certain sections things were being repeated and there were sentences that did not made any sense. The conclusion was looked over and edited as well because I had to make sure that I had recapped all of the reasons that led me to an answer towards my thesis. When all of those corrections were made I then moved onto trying to fix my signal phrases and citations. I took in what my peer review partner suggested when I introduce a source in one of my paragraph. Their suggestion really helped me because I would have not noticed that I was introducing my sources the wrong way if I were to be the only one looking over it. I also took in what was said in class and looked over the Norton Field Guide book. The book really helped me because when I had to go over my signal phrases and citation, it demonstrated how they were supposed to look like. I would say that I spent approximately six to seven hours trying to figure out whether I was doing my signal phrases and citation correctly considering that this part of the requirement was one of the most important part of it.

Even though I spent a lot of time in editing, a lot of time was also spent in trying to see whether what I wrote about my sources was accurate in my expository and annotated bibliography. This required me to go back into the database and find these sources again. Before I had a lot of trouble finding what I wanted in the database through the use of boolean terms because it was a base that I was and still not used to using but now I’m beginning to get accustomed to the database. Approximately four to six hours were spent going over my sources information on my paper and at least two to three hours were spent in correcting what I had to change.

Overall, I approximately had spent at least two to three days in trying to edit and review my concept paper. Majority of the time went in to correcting my sentences syntax and whether or not I should remove certain words in order for the paper to make sense from my expository essay. The rest was spent in reviewing my signal phrases, source citation, and whether I met all of the requirements of the expository essay and annotated bibliography. There were still things that I wish I had more time to look over and add but in the end that was left to how I managed my time when editing this paper.